Take advantage of connections that work for you.
Briercrest is actively working with many other institutions to establish transfer agreements and pathways that will help students reach their educational goals. Explore our degree partnerships and transfer agreements below or contact an adviser for more information.
Degree partnerships
Complete a Briercrest degree and get credentials from another institution. Flexible degree partnerships let students begin on our campus while also benefiting from the unique offerings of another institution.
We offer well-rounded degree partnerships with
- Minot State University in North Dakota
- Saskatchewan Polytechnic in Moose Jaw
- The Coalition for Youth Ministry Excellence
Contact an adviser to learn more about our degree partnerships.
Transfer agreements
When you take your next step, take your Briercrest credits with you. Transfer agreements let students explore courses and programs from Briercrest, then transfer their credits elsewhere.
We have made flexible transfer agreements with
- University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon
Transfer at least 50% of your Briercrest degree into the College of Arts and Science or transfer your first year of credits into the College of Nursing - University of Regina in Regina
Transfer up to 50% of your Briercrest certificate or degree - Saskatchewan Polytechnic in Moose Jaw
Transfer a portion of your courses and complete a business diploma - Trinity Western University in Langley
Transfer up to 60 credit hours from Briercrest
Students have also received transfer credit from
- University of Alberta
- University of Calgary
- University of Lethbridge
- University of Manitoba
- University of Winnipeg
Contact an adviser to learn more about our transfer agreements.
Briercrest is a primary member of the Saskatchewan Transfer Credit and Learner Pathway Council. The Council’s purpose is to make post-secondary education more accessible and flexible, and encourage academic success among students. It does this by promoting paths among Saskatchewan post-secondary institutions and those outside the province. The Council is a partnership of credit-granting post-secondary institutions and the government ministry responsible for post-secondary education.
Follow this link for more information from the Government of Saskatchewan
When you transfer from Briercrest College and Seminary to another school, you'll need to supply a copy of your official transcripts, which are available through the Academic Services office. Please make all requests in writing to ensure your personal privacy.
See our Transfer page for details