Dig deep into the heart of Christian truth, belief, and practice.

Students taking Bible & Theology at Briercrest learn to carefully interpret Scripture and its context alongside the heritage of Christian interpretation and practice.

As our students engage with grand theological ideas, we encourage them to allow God to shape their lives and character. Bible & Theology students graduate equipped to do biblical research and teaching, serve in ministry or mission settings, or use their studies as a firm foundation for variety of careers in the marketplace.

Study the Bible, biblical theology, hermeneutics, and biblical languages and hear how the Word of God and faith of the Church speak to us today. View our programs below.

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Most safe off-campus

CampusRankings has ranked Briercrest #4 for Canada's most safe off-campus

Most athletic students

CampusRankings has ranked Briercrest #2 for Canada's most athletic students

Happiest students

CampusRankings has ranked Briercrest #3 for Canada's happiest students

June 13, 2023

Briercrest Celebrates 60th Youth Quake Event with the Highest Attendance in 20 Years!

Briercrest recently celebrated its monumental 60th Youth Quake event in style. This year's event saw unprecedented attendance, breaking 20-year records.

Lori Peters
December 8, 2022

Applying the Briercrest Mission to Sports Education

Lori Peters talks about how Christian education provides athletes with unique and invaluable opportunities to succeed on and off the court and in the future.

Roy and Adelina Martens with boys from the boarding school they managed.
November 4, 2022

Alumni Feature: Roy and Adelina Martens

Even from a young age, God designs circumstances to direct people toward His purpose. Roy and Adelina Martens were in their teens when the Lord spoke to them about serving Him in India.

Ellery Pullman
October 21, 2022

Transformative Education: Ellery Pullman's Briercrest Journey

With 43 years of dedicated service to Briercrest, Dr. Ellery Pullman has seen firsthand the transformative power of the education at Briercrest.