Engage the culture around you with confidence, wherever you are.
At Briercrest, the study of cultures and languages is enhanced by the study of Scripture. Building on the strengths of Briercrest’s biblical and theological core, programs in Cultures & Languages equip students for impact in various cultural contexts.
Study the lived experiences of people from various global and Western contexts. Graduates who studied in Cultures & Languages have served in missions contexts both locally and globally, as well as in various marketplace settings.
Come into contact with a wide world of beliefs, cultures, and customs, and learn to act wisely in a complex and dynamic world. View our programs below.

Most fun schools
CampusRankings has ranked Briercrest #4 for Canada's most fun schools
Most credentialed profs
CampusRankings has ranked Briercrest #1 for Canada's most credentialed professors
Best academic counselling
CampusRankings has ranked Briercrest #5 for Canada's best academic counselling