Camp/Briercrest Matching Award

Application deadline August 31

Briercrest College and Seminary enjoys many relationships with various camps. The leadership of BCS recognizes that one of the greatest barriers to students giving their summer to volunteer at a Bible Camp is finances. In response, BCS has partnered with camps to create a $2,000 (maximum) matching scholarship targeted for students who choose to serve at approved camps. It is hoped that these scholarship funds will
increase the number of BCS students serving at camp and will encourage students to place themselves in an environment where they can apply their learning to life and ministry.


  • Students must attend BCS as full-time college or seminary students.
  • Students must maintain a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester in the year the scholarship is awarded to maintain eligibility.
  • Students must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher
  • Students must be recommended by their Camp Director.
  • Students must indicate their intention to return to serve at the sponsoring camp the following summer.
  • Awards are limited to any camp approved by BCS.
  • Students may receive this award more than once.

Camp Approval: Camps can contact Student Finance to get the Application for the Award program. Applications for camp approval and the required supporting documents are sent to our Development office. Camp Directors, please contact Student Finance if you are unsure if your camp has been approved.

Student Application: Once a camp is approved, applications for the award for camp staff are initiated by the Camp Director using this form.