Briercrest believes in the Kingdom impact of Summer Bible Camps. Not only do camp staff make incredible Briercrest students but Briercrest students, returning to their camp, make incredible camp staff members. The generous donors of this award have a passion for the ministries of Briercrest and DVRC. This award intends to make it easier for DVRC staff to access an Education that Disciples here at Briercrest and ensure a more mature and theologically trained staff member returns to DVRC the next summer.
Eligible Dallas Valley Ranch Camp staff can be awarded $10,000 towards their first year at Briercrest. Two awards add up to the $10,000. Here is how it works:
A new $8,000 award has been made available to new students who are serving at Dallas Valley Ranch Camp, who are beginning their studies at Briercrest College, and are intending to return to serve at Dallas Valley Ranch Camp the following summer.
Recipients of the award are also eligible for the existing Camp/Briercrest Matching Award open to all approved camps. BCS and camps like DVRC have partnered to create $2,000 scholarships targeted for students who choose to serve at approved camps.\
See Camp/Briercrest Matching Award for further details.
When combined, approved staff at DVRC will be eligible for $10,000 in tuition awards. This cuts the average cost of attendance to Briercrest down by almost 50%.

- New student serving at Dallas Valley Ranch Camp the summer prior to attending Briercrest.
- Indicate their intention to return to serve at Dallas Valley Ranch Camp the following summer
- General eligibility criteria apply; including but not limited to a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester in the year the scholarship is awarded
- Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher, maintaining good standing in all areas
- Student must be recommended by their Camp Director