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The Bachelor of Arts Psychology/Bachelor of Science with a Major in Communication Disorders is a 141 credit hour degree program in which students spend 3 years (96 credit hours) studying at Briercrest and 2 years (45 credit hours) at Minot State University. Toward the completion of the student’s third year of full-time study at Briercrest, the student must apply for admission to the College of Education and Health Sciences at Minot State University.
Credit Hours: 141
Section A: Modified Core Courses (45 credit hours)
BIOL 115 Human Structure and Function (3) – required for major
BLST 111 Introduction to the Old Testament (3)
BLST 109 Introduction to the New Testament (3)
BLST 200+ elective, CM 101 Foundations of Church Ministry, or THEO 200+ elective (3)
BLST 300+ elective (3)
ENG 100 Literature and Composition I (3)
ENG 101 Literature and Composition II (3)
Fine Arts, Human Movement and Communication, or the Global Community Elective (3)
HIS 237 History of Christianity I (3)
HIS 238 History of Christianity II (3)
IDST 200 Int. Studies: Modernity and Postmodernity (3) or IDST 300 Christianity and the Natural Sciences (3)
PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy II (3)
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology I (3) – required for major
THEO 112 Introduction to Spiritual Theology (3)
THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology (3)
Section B: Psychology Required/Elective Courses (33 credit hours)
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology I (3) – fulfilled in Modified Core
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology II (3)
PSY 350 Cognitive Psychology (3)
PSY 381 Psychology of Human Development: Children (3)
PSY 382 Psychology of Human Development: Adolescents (3)
PSY 383 Psychology of Human Development: Adults (3)
PSY 471 Educational Psychology (3)
Electives (12 credit hours):
PSY 280 Human Development: A Lifespan Perspective (3)
PSY 301 Research Methods in the Social Sciences (3)
PSY 320 Social Psychology (3)
PSY 322 Exceptional Children (3)
PSY 336 Positive Psychology (3)
PSY 351 Psychology of Counselling (3)
PSY 379 Psychology of Personal and Interpersonal Dynamics (3)
PSY 415 Abnormal Psychology (3)
PSY 430 Human Sexuality
Section C: Cognate Requirement (3 credit hours)
BIOL 115 Human Structure and Function – fulfilled in Modified Core
Section D: General Education and Support Courses (18 credit hours)
ANTH 200 Cultural Anthropology or NTST 110 Introduction to Native Studies (3)
COMM 104 Public Speaking (3)
HIS 100 Issues in World History I, HIS 101 Issues in World History II, HIS 210 American History to 1865,
or HIS 211 American History Since 1865 (3)
KIN 262 Physical Activity and Wellness (3)
MATH 101 Introduction to Finite Mathematics (3)
SOC 100 Introduction to Finite Mathematics (3)
STAT 200 Introduction to Statistical Methods (3)
PRT 400 Senior Portfolio (non-credit)
SL 1-2 Service and Experiential Learning (non-credit)
MSU (54 credit hours): Application to the College of Education and Health Sciences will take place in the student’s final year at BCS.