Get introduced to a wide world of people, cultures, and ideas.
Study broadly across the Humanities disciplines: English, history, philosophy, theology, and more. As our students engage with diverse topics and perspectives, we encourage them to know what is true and love what is good. To that end, our program includes significant biblical and theological grounding alongside study in their concentration.
Students taking Humanities at Briercrest develop the communication skills and love for learning they need to excel in many fields. These skills are especially valuable in marketplace settings, graduate-level study, and many kinds of ministry.
Learn to read thoughtfully, write skillfully, and think carefully in a community that seeks God’s Kingdom first. View our programs below.

Strongest alumni network
CampusRankings has ranked Briercrest #3 for Canada's strongest alumni network
Most approachable profs
CampusRankings has ranked Briercrest #2 for Canada's most approachable professors
Most fun schools
CampusRankings has ranked Briercrest #4 for Canada's most fun schools

In the Pursuit of History: A Conversation with Dr. Joy Demoskoff
Discover why Dr. Joy Demoskoff chose Briercrest, how it has enriched her career in the field of history, and her views on living in a small town.

4 Reasons to Take a One-Year Certificate in Biblical Studies
A fourth-year student reflects on how valuable it was to begin his program with a one-year Certificate of Biblical Studies. It is transferable, transformative, and trajectory shaping.

Why Charles Taylor? Why Briercrest?
Briercrest's upcoming conference was inspired by Charles Taylor's scholarship. Dr. Joy Demoskoff explores the intersection of Taylor's ideas and Briercrest's mission.

What Does it Mean to Study from a Christian Perspective?
Why does it matter to study the Bible alongside other disciplines like Psychology, English, Music, or Business? Short answer: because it makes your education not only informational but also transformative. Read more!