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Health Care Worker (Casual)

Posted: September 13, 2021


The Health Care Worker position is a key support for assessing and addressing medical situations for the students of Briercrest Christian Academy and College. Health Services is administratively linked to the Briercrest Student Development department.

Note: This is a casual position


  • Agreement to live within the Briercrest Institutional Covenant and align with the mission, vision, and values of Briercrest College and Seminary
  • Licensed professional nurse (LPN) or Registered Nurse (RN) preferred
  • Must be highly motivated, responsible, and able to work independently
  • High level of ability to work and participate in team environment
  • Skills in administration, organization, and interpersonal relationships


  • To work with Student Development staff in the assessment and determination of appropriate response to sick students.
  • To do a basic initial assessment of the severity of a given situation. (For example, are the symptoms explainable due to seasonal allergies or environmental reasons such as the student pulling an all-nighter.)
  • Determine next steps for a sick student. (e.g., calling 811, self-isolation and monitoring, move into quarantine, etc.)
  • Provide a daily phone or in-person check-in with sick student(s).
  • Administer, review, evaluate and if necessary, adapt the “Sick Student Process”
  • Actively maintain relationships with Student Development team members for the purpose of support and consultation throughout the year.
  • Work with Student Development staff to coordinate meal delivery for students in isolation or quarantine.
  • Work with Student Development staff to coordinate with Custodial to arrange cleaning of the sick student’s dorm room and/or quarantine room


  • The Health Care Worker reports to the Dean of Students
  • Part of the Student Development team.


Applicants should submit a cover letter, résumé/CV, names of three references and any specified documents by email to the Human Resources office at hr@briercrest.ca.

All employees of Briercrest College and Seminary are required to sign and adhere to our Institutional Covenant. Please review the covenant prior to submitting your application.