Explore a world of stories, perspectives, and cultures. This program is for students who love to read and write and want to grow in these skills.

Study literature alongside the Bible and theology. Along with written texts, become a good reader of films, ads, and other “texts” that you encounter every day. Learn in small classes designed for rich discussion and personalized feedback that helps you grow as a writer, reader, and thinker. 

Briercrest’s BA English is provincially authorized as a university-level degree, making it a perfect first step to a career or to graduate studies. 

  • Overview
  • Requirements

The English program at Briercrest provides students with a solid grounding in traditional literary studies, literary theory, and Canadian, contemporary, and World literatures, while at the same time equipping them with a strong biblical and theological education.

The BA English requires 42 credit hours of English or English-related courses (including at least 24 credit hours at 300-400 level). Like most Briercrest programs the BA English requires 39 credit hours at the 300+ level within the context of a 120 credit hour degree. The BA English has been approved by SHEQAB and authorized by the Government of Saskatchewan.

Saskatchewan Higher Education Quality Assurance
The program is offered with the written authorization of the Minister of Advanced Education effective July 1, 2015. This authorization was provided after the program proposal underwent a quality assurance review and was found to meet the standards established by the Minister. Prospective students are responsible for satisfying themselves that the program and the degree will be appropriate to their needs.
Credit Hours: 120

I. Required Courswork (18 credit hours)
ENG 100 Literature and Composition I
ENG 101 Literature and Composition II
ENG 210 British Survey I
ENG 211 British Survey II
ENG 389 Critical Theory
HUM 490 Senior Humanities Seminar

II. Field Requirements (24 credit hours)

6 credit hours at the 200+ level and 18 credit hours at the 300+ level. Within these credit hours, 6 credit hours must be chosen from Category A and 6 credit hours must be chosen from Category B.

Category A: British and European Literature
ENG 301 Shakespeare: Histories and Tragedies
ENG 302 Shakespeare: Comedies and Romances
ENG 331 Topics in Medieval Literature
ENG 332 Renaissance and Reformation
ENG 333 Topics in Seventeenth-Century British Literature
ENG 334 Topics in Eighteenth-Century British Literature
ENG 335 Topics in Romantic Literature
ENG 336 Topics in Victorian Literature
ENG 337 Topics in Modern British and Irish Literature
ENG 370 Topics in Children's and Young Adult Literature
ENG 393 Specialized Study (approval of program coordinator required)
ENG 406 Studies in Literature (approval of program coordinator required)
ENG 407 Studies in Genre (approval of program coordinator required)
ENG 409 Studies in Literature and Religion (approval of program coordinator required)
ENG 493 Specialized Study (approval of program coordinator required)

Category B: Additional Literature
CLS 201 Introduction to Literature of Greece and Rome
ENG 224 Poetry
ENG 226 Drama
ENG 322 World Literatures in English
ENG 324 Topics in Women's Literature
ENG 351 Topics in Early American Literature
ENG 352 Topics in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
ENG 353 Topics in Modern American Literature
ENG 357 African-American Literature
ENG 360 Topics in Canadian Literature
ENG 370 Topics in Children's and Young Adult Literature
ENG 393 Specialized Study (approval of program coordinator required)
ENG 406 Studies in Literature (approval of program coordinator required)
ENG 407 Studies in Genre (approval of program coordinator required)
ENG 409 Studies in Literature and Religion (approval of program coordinator required)
ENG 493 Specialized Study (approval of program coordinator required)

  • Within their field requirements, students are required to have six (6) credit hours of coursework that focuses on pre-1800 content selected from: CLS 201, ENG 301, ENG 302, ENG 331, ENG 332, ENG 333, ENG 334, ENG 351, ENG 393 (approval of program coordinator required), ENG 406 (approval of program coordinator required), ENG 407 (approval of program coordinator required), ENG 409 (approval of program coordinator required), ENG 493 (approval of program coordinator required)
  • Within their field requirements, students are required to have six (6) credit hours of coursework that focuses on post-1800 content selected from: ENG 322, ENG 336, ENG 337, ENG 352, ENG 353, ENG 356, ENG 357, ENG 360, ENG 370, ENG 393 (approval of program coordinator required), ENG 406 (approval of program coordinator required), ENG 407 (approval of program coordinator required), ENG 409 (approval of program coordinator required), ENG 493 (approval of program coordinator required)

III. Free Electives (to bring credit hour total to 120 credit hours)

PRT 400 Senior Portfolio (non-credit)
SL 1-6 Service and Experiential Learning (non-credit)

In addition, all Bachelor of Arts degrees require the completion of Briercrest's core curriculum.


Rhoda Cairns   PhD
Assistant Professor of English Literature
Calum Macfarlane   PhD
Associate Professor of Spiritual Theology
Chance Pahl   PhD
Associate Professor of English
Matthew Zantingh   PhD
Associate Professor of English
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Your Future

Possible Careers
  • Editor
  • High school teacher
  • Journalist/Writer
  • Lawyer
  • Online English instructor
  • Public relations
  • Screenwriter
  • Teaching English
Potential Graduate Programs
  • MA Anthropology
  • MSc Interdisciplinary Studies
  • MA Interdisciplinary Humanities
  • MA Creative Writing
  • MA Literary Studies
  • MA English
  • MA History
  • MA Humanities