The BA English (Honours) requires 60 credit hours of English or English-related courses (including at least 24 credit hours at 300-400 level). Like most Briercrest programs the BA English requires 39 credit hours at the 300+ level within the context of a 120 credit hour degree. The BA English (Honours) has been approved by SHEQAB and authorized by the Government of Saskatchewan.
The English (Honours) program allows greater specialization than is possible in the BA. It is designed for students who wish a deeper insight and more intensive training in their subject of special interest and who are able to meet the higher standards set. Entrance into this program is by application.
Program admission for the BA English (Honours) requires: (a) 60 credit hours of university-level coursework; (b) a minimum GPA of 3.3 in English courses and cumulative GPA of 3.00 or better; and (c) permission of the program coordinator(s). Honours thesis topics are limited by areas served by (a) faculty competency and (b) available resources.
The program is offered with the written authorization of the Minister of Advanced Education effective July 1, 2015. This authorization was provided after the program proposal underwent a quality assurance review and was found to meet the standards established by the Minister. Prospective students are responsible for satisfying themselves that the program and the degree will be appropriate to their needs.
Credit Hours: 120
ENG 100 Literature and Composition I
ENG 101 Literature and Composition II
ENG 210 British Survey I
ENG 211 British Survey II
ENG 389 Critical Theory
HUM 490 Senior Humanities Seminar
ENG 497 Honours Reading Course or the completion of a 300-400 level course closely related to the content of the student's Honours thesis
ENG 498/499 Honours Thesis (6 credit hours), including an oral defense or public presentation and a library-acceptable copy are required. The Honours thesis must be defended before two faculty members, one of whom (typically the second reader) may be a non-BC faculty member.
Elective courses to reach a minimum of 54 credit hours of required major coursework.
Cognate Requirements: Six (6) credit hours of one ancient or modern language. This requirement is in addition to the major requirements.
A minimum of 33 credit hours must be taken at 300-400 level with a minimum of 15 credit hours at the 400- level.
Free electives (to bring credit hour total to 120 credit hours).
All BA English (Honours) students must complete field and graduation requirements identical to those in the BA English program.
PRT 400 Senior Portfolio (non-credit)
SL 1-6 Service and Experiential Learning (non-credit)
In addition, all Bachelor of Arts degrees require the completion of Briercrest's core curriculum.