Gain a broad understanding of ministry and a deep knowledge of the work you're called to. 

The BA Christian Ministry is a great option for students who feel called to ministry and who want to learn biblical principles that will help them serve well. 

Study in several concentrations while specializing in two, developing a versatility that will set you up well for career or lay ministry. Use Briercrest’s connections to local and global ministries to complete internships, serve while you study, and broaden your ministry horizons. View our ministry concentrations below.

  • Overview
  • Requirements

This program prepares students for effective ministry in church and para-church contexts. It pairs together quality classroom instruction with experiential education. It further provides a strong liberal arts foundation, and biblical and theological grounding. Additionally, the program establishes a firm foundation for further study at the graduate level.

Students in the program can choose one concentration for study: Youth Studies, Children’s Studies, Pastoral Studies, or Worship Arts. Each concentration has specialized courses pertaining to that field of study. In addition, the Christian Ministry program provides ministry training courses that will be formational and applicable to all areas of ministry. The capstone of the degree is an 18-credit hour internship (9 credit-hours per semester) that lasts a minimum of seven months. Students will have the opportunity to intern with one or the internship placement sites which are located across Canada.

The BA Christian Ministry requires 45 credit hours of Christian Ministry and Christian Ministry-related course work (including 30 credit hours at the 300+ level). These 45 credit hours include an 18-credit hour internship. In addition, students must choose a primary concentration (24 credit hours) from one of the following options: Youth Studies, Children’s Studies, Pastoral Studies, and Worship Arts. Like most Briercrest programs, the BA Christian Ministry requires 39 credit hours of 300+ course work within the context of a 120-credit hour degree.


Blayne Banting   DMin, PhD
Associate Professor of Preaching and Christian Ministry
Rob Chartrand   DMin
Assistant Professor of Christian Ministry, Program Coordinator for CM
Geoff Dresser   DWS
Associate Professor of Worship Arts
Marilyn Muller   MA
Adjunct Instructor - Christian Ministry
Michael Pawelke   DMin
Professor of Leadership and Pastoral Studies
Brian Westnedge   MA
Adjunct Instructor - Christian Ministry
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