This program is for those who want to develop skills and methods for engaging in sound and thoughtful interpretation of the Bible for use in ministry or mission settings or as a firm foundation as they pursue a variety of careers in the marketplace. More than any other college program at Briercrest College and Seminary, this one equips students to do biblical research and Bible teaching. It also prepares students for further undergraduate or graduate education, particularly in the fields of biblical studies, theology, and/or divinity.
Building upon the foundation of biblical knowledge at the core of all our arts degree programs, students majoring in biblical studies have the opportunity to take advanced courses in biblical studies, biblical theology, hermeneutics, and biblical languages (Hebrew and/or Greek) as well as courses that focus on the literary, cultural, historical, and geographical aspects of biblical interpretation.
Biblical studies majors also enjoy increased confidence in personal Bible study, valuable insights from the study of ancient cultures and original languages, and a deepening appreciation for the unity within the diversity of Scripture. Successful graduates are well-equipped to provide biblically informed and theologically reflective insights to the church as it carries out its mission in a complex world.
Past students have pursued many types of careers including that of a pastor, teacher, professor, or Bible translator.
The BA Biblical Studies requires 39 credit hours of Biblical Studies courses (including at least 18 credit hours at 300+ level and six additional credit hours at 400+ level), 12 credit hours of cognate language requirements (Greek or Hebrew), and six credit hours of cognate Theological Studies requirements. Like most Briercrest programs the BA Biblical Studies requires 39 credit hours at the 300+ level within the context of a 120 credit hour degree.
The program is offered with the written authorization of the Minister of Advanced Education effective July 31, 2021. This authorization was provided after the program proposal underwent a quality assurance review and was found to meet the standards established by the Minister. Prospective students are responsible for satisfying themselves that the program and the degree will be appropriate to their needs.
Credit Hours: 120
I. Required Courses (6 credit hours)
BLST 111 Introduction to the Old Testament
BLST 109 Introduction to the New Testament
BLST 423 Advanced Hermeneutics
II. Electives (33 credit hours)
Minimum 6 credit hours must be taken in each of the 3 domains: (a) Old Testament Studies; (b) New Testament Studies; and (c) Backgrounds and Methodological issues.
A minimum of 18 credit hours must be taken at the 300+ level. An additional 3 credit-hour
elective must be taken at the 400 level. (Note: BLST 426 Biblical Studies Internship may be takenas an elective, but does not count as one of the required 400 level courses.)
III. Cognate Language Requirements (12 credit hours)
GRK 200 Introductory Greek I
GRK 201 Introductory Greek II
GRK 300 Greek Syntax
GRK 301 Greek Exegesis I
HEB 200 Introductory Hebrew I
HEB 201 Introductory Hebrew II
HEB 300 Hebrew Syntax & Exegesis I
HEB 301 Hebrew Syntax & Exegesis II
IV. Cognate Theological Studies Requirements (6 credit hours with at least 3 credit hours at 300+ level)
V. Free Electives (to bring credit hour total to 120 credit hours)
PRT 400 Senior Portfolio (non-credit)
SL 1-6 Service and Experiential Learning (non-credit)
In addition, all Bachelor of Arts degrees require the completion of Briercrest's core curriculum.