
Using the  study area buttons below find detailed information about the courses being offered. 
If you have questions about any of the courses please contact Academic Services.

Study Areas



  • THEO 112 Introduction to Spiritual Theology

    An examination of theological, historical, and practical aspects of Christian spirituality.

    Note: Students with credit for THEO 112 Spiritual Formation may not take this course for credit.

  • THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology

    An introduction to the basic teachings of the Christian faith. This course will introduce the nature, methods, and importance of theological study, and will survey Christian teachings concerning God, revelation and Scripture, creation and fall, humanity, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, salvation, the church, and the Christian hope.

  • THEO 200 Theological Methods

    This course is an introduction to theological method that explores and evaluates how theologians carry out the task of theology. This includes a survey of historical methods from the patristic, medieval, and modern periods, as well as current issues in methods in light of post-modernity (topics can include, but are not limited to post-liberalism, feminist, political, and liberation theology). Attention will be paid not only to individual theological loci but also to an analysis and evaluation of the shape of various volumes of systematic theology from within the Christian tradition.

    Prerequisite: THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology

  • THEO 215 Philosophy and the Question of God

    This course will study the classical 'proofs for the existence of God', their background in Greek philosophy and early Christian thought, and their modern and postmodern forms. It will aim to expose students to the task of 'thinking God' as essential to the work of integrating faith and reason.

    Cross-listed:PHI 215 Philosophy and the Question of God

    Prerequisite: PHI 100 Introduction to Philosophy I or PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy II or by permission of the instructor

  • THEO 272 Apologetics: Christian Faith and Contemporary Culture

    An analysis of prevailing interpretations and critiques of Christian faith in contemporary culture. Special attention will be given to the skills of cultural exegesis and the social, philosophical and theological resources by which Christians might interact constructively with their culture.

    Note: Students with credit for THEO 272 Apologetics may not take this course for credit.

    Prerequisite: THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology

  • THEO 276 Theological Ethics

    An examination of the "good life" as it has been described in the Christian tradition. Students will analyze various approaches to and issues in the field of moral theology.

    Prerequisite: THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology

  • THEO 301 Worship in the Christian Tradition

    An exploration of historical and theological perspectives on Christian worship practices across denominational traditions. Special attention will be devoted to understanding the reciprocal relationship between theological belief and liturgical practice.

    Note: Students with credit for CM/THEO 301 Theology of Christian Worship may not take this course for credit.

  • THEO 312 Classics of Christian Spirituality

    This course examines a selection of the great works of Christian devotion from the second century to the twentieth century. Authors may include the Desert Fathers, Augustine, Bernard of Clairvaux, Julian of Norwich, Thomas a Kempis, Teresa of Avila, Richard Baxter, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Brother Lawrence, John Wesley, John Keble, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Thomas Kelly, and others.

    Prerequisite: THEO 112 Introduction to Spiritual Theology and THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology

  • THEO 313 Prayer in the Christian Tradition

    A careful analysis of the history, theology and practice of various approaches to prayer in the Christian tradition.

    Notes: Students with credit for THEO 413 Studies in Spiritual Theology may not take this course for credit

    Prerequisite: THEO 112 Introduction to Spiritual Theology and THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology

  • THEO 330 The Triune God

    A theological and historical analysis of the development of the doctrine of the Trinity. Students will explore how the doctrine of the Trinity intersects with various aspects of Christian faith and practice and how Scripture has been used in its formation and interpretation.

    Prerequisite: THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology

  • THEO 331 Scripture and Canon

    This course is an examination of the formation and structure of the Christian Bible and an explication of the evangelical doctrine of Scripture. Special attention is given to contemporary debates that surround both the canon of Scripture and the theological articulation of the nature of the Bible.

    Cross-listed: BLST 331 Scripture and Canon

    Note: Students with credit for BLST/THEO 331 Scripture and Contemporary Theology may not take this course for credit

    Prerequisite: THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology

  • THEO 334 Baptism and the Lord's Supper

    An examination of the diverse ways that the practices of baptism and the Lord's Supper have been celebrated and understood among various Christian traditions.

    Prerequisite: THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology

  • THEO 337 Comparative Studies on the Church

    A comparative study of foundational and ecumenical theological documents on the church according to the teachings of major branches of the Christian faith. Students will assess contemporary issues relating to the ministry, mission, and work of the church from various ecclesiological perspectives.

    Note: Students with credit for THEO 337 The Church and the Kingdom may not take this course for credit

    Prerequisite: THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology

  • THEO 338 Christian Unity: Historical, Theological and Contemporary Questions

    An examination of theoretical and practical issues related to Christian unity. Students will become familiar with various understandings of the church which inform how Christians relate to and cooperate with one another. They will consider specific historical contexts related to Christian unity including the formal ecumenical movement. Students will also examine practical efforts at Christian unity in their formal and informal, as well as regional and local, expressions.

  • THEO 350 Jesus the Christ

    A study of interpretations of the person and work of Jesus Christ as he is portrayed in Scripture, Christian tradition, and culture.

    Note: Students with credit for THEO 350 Theology of Christ may not take this course for credit.

    Prerequisite: THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology

  • THEO 351 The Holy Spirit

    A study of interpretations of the person and work of the Holy Spirit as portrayed in Scripture, Christian tradition, and culture.

    Note: Students with credit for THEO 351 Theology of the Spirit may not take this course for credit

    Prerequisite: THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology

  • THEO 357 Christian Hope and Eschatology

    An examination of the interpretations of Christian eschatology from the early church to the present. Students will explore Christian teaching and practice relevant to topics such as death, resurrection, and the culmination of history.

    Prerequisite: THEO 112 Introduction to Spiritual Theology and THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology

  • THEO 370 Theology of Mission

    This course offers students the opportunity of exploring recent scholarship regarding both the centrality and the nature of mission in the teaching of the Scriptures.

    Note: Students with credit for CM 201 Theology of Mission may not take this course for credit.

    Prerequisite: THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology

  • THEO 371 Theology in the Majority World

    A study of Christian theological works written by authors in the majority world. Careful attention will be given to how these authors articulate and shape theological themes in various cultural contexts.

    Prerequisite: THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology

  • THEO 380 Thinking Theologically About Youth Ministry

    Believing that sound theological thinking will express itself in effective ministry, this course will seek to create a theological structure for understanding the Scriptures, the church, the family, and the communities in which we serve.

    Note:Only available through the CMYE extension site in Kelowna BC. See the Bachelor of Youth Ministry program details for further information.

  • THEO 393 Specialized Study

    Offered occasionally to provide in?]depth study in a topic in Theology that is not covered in regularly scheduled courses.

    Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of Theology

  • THEO 413 Studies in Spiritual Theology

    This course examines a theme, thinker, or movement relevant to the discipline of historical theology. The particular focus of the course may change from year to year depending on the interests and expertise of the instructor.

    Prerequisite: THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology and 6 credit hours of Theology

  • THEO 453 Marriage, Singleness and Human Sexuality in Theological Perspective

    A seminar that explores the rich legacy of theological and moral reflection on marriage, singleness and sexuality. Students will examine influential texts from the breadth of the Christian tradition and give special consideration to how these texts might inform nuanced reflection on contemporary issues in sexual ethics.

    Cross-listed: FMST 453 Marriage, Singleness and Human Sexuality in Theological Perspective

    Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of Theology and the completion of 75 credit hours of coursework

  • THEO 461 Christianity and Other Faiths

    A seminar-style course which examines the approaches of various thinkers to the value and status of other faiths in relation to Christianity. It will focus on the contemporary question of the uniqueness of Christ and Christian teaching in the light of the claims of other faiths.

    Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of Theology and the completion of 75 credit hours of coursework

  • THEO 472 Early Christian Texts

    An analysis of select theological texts and ideas from influential figures from the era of early Christianity. Students will become familiar with seminal developments in this formative period of Christian faith and practice

    Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of Theology and the completion of 75 credit hours of coursework

  • THEO 473 Late Medieval and Reformation Era Texts

    An analysis of select theological texts the ideas from influential figures from the late Medieval and Reformation periods. Students will become familiar with the key issues that continue to divide and unite Christian churches.

    Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of Theology and the completion of 75 credit hours of coursework

  • THEO 474 Modern Era Texts

    An analysis of select theological texts and ideas of influential figures from the modern period. Students will become familiar with the key issues that animate contemporary theological discussion.

    Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of Theology and the completion of 75 credit hours of coursework

  • THEO 476 Studies in Modern Theology

    This course examines selected Christian theological movements and thinkers from the rise of Liberalism to the present.

    Prerequisite: THEO 112 Introduction to Spiritual Formation, THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology, and the completion of 60 credit hours of study

  • THEO 480 The Theology of Augustine

    A seminar style course which examines a major text or selection of texts from this influential theologian. Special attention will be given to discovering the abiding relevance of these texts for contemporary thought and practice.

    Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of Theology and the completion of 75 credit hours of coursework

  • THEO 482 Anglican History and Theology

    A study of influential texts within the history of Anglicanism. This course will focus on the origin of Anglicanism in the English Reformation, its development as a global communion, and its main theological currents today. Special attention will be given to the question of Anglican identity in a global and ecumenical context.

    Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of Theology and the completion of 60 credit hours of coursework

  • THEO 484 Wesleyan Theology

    A study of the central theological ideas and context of the Wesleyan movement. This course will focus on the careful analysis of influential Wesleyan texts and how they contribute to Christian thought and practice.

    Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of Theology and the completion of 60 credit hours of coursework, or permission of the instructor

  • THEO 488 The Theology of Karl Barth

    A seminar style course which will carefully examine a major text or selection of texts from this influential theologian. Special attention will be given to discovering the abiding relevance of these texts for contemporary thought and practice.

    Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of Theology and the completion of 75 credit hours of coursework

  • THEO 490 Theology Internship

    This internship is designed to guide the student through theological reflection and research in a chosen area of study or practice.

    Prerequisite: THEO 115 Introduction to Christian Theology

  • THEO 491 Theology and Political Engagement

    A careful examination of seminal texts in the field through which students will grapple with the complex problem of Christian political engagement, with attention being given to the Canadian context.

    Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of Theology and the completion of 75 credit hours of coursework

  • THEO 493 Specialized Study

    A seminar offered occasionally to provide in?]depth study on a topic in Theology that is not covered in regularly scheduled courses.

    Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of Theology and the completion of 75 credit hours of study